Thursday, April 03, 2014

Hiking preparations

I probably should have expected this, but our previous backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon lulled me into an obviously false lack of urgency.  Consequently, I arrived here today to find that it just won't be possible to do the trail I wanted to do.  All booked up.

A few minutes of head scratching got me settled on a good alternate, still involving 3 nights out on the Tonto plateau doing a loop trail from Grandview point to Yaki point.  I could have started on Friday but decided that an extra day for preparation would be better.  I can also rest, tank up on water, eat hearty and pack.  Some biking might be good too.

This trip I'm not taking a stove.  Just food I can eat without heating, including these energy bars that I made.  So, we will see.  There will be one night and the day I hike out that won't have water.  The other days will have reliable water.

Anyhow, I guess I'd better get at my preparations and planning.

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