Monday, July 02, 2012

Raising Kain

 As part of my regular volunteer activities with the Alpine Club of Canada, I spent 9 days at the Conrad Kain Hut in the Bugaboos, in the Purcell Mountains south of Golden.  The main part of the project was to replace the siding on the front and back of the hut and install 9 new windows.

The crew of 11 people included 5 volunteers and 6 ACC staff.  The weather didn't cooperate all that well; we had rain/fog most days, but little that really prevented us from working almost non-stop for the 9 days.

I've posted elsewhere about how these ACC work parties operate so my only other comment is that we were fed so well that I gained about 4 or 5 pounds.

There was lots of snow still on the ground, making it impossible to find the various parts of the micro-hydro system that provides the hut's electricity.  Maybe in a couple of weeks, if it stays hot....

Pictures are available at:

The Conrad Kain Hut is named after mountain guide Conrad Kain who climbed many of the peaks in the Bugaboos and elsewhere (Mt Robson, etc), in the early 1900s.  A real mountain legend.

(Thanks to Guido Mennes for the group picture.)

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