Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Laughter - The Best Medicine

[This title is for those of you old enough and with the literary tastes to have read Reader's Digest back in the day ...]

The way things are going, I'm starting to think it can't be healthy to get upset or to take what's going on too seriously. Various "Occupy" movements, the mayor of one of Canada's major cities losing it on the heads of a comedy team, repeated (and unsuccessful) bailout proposals in Europe, the Harper Government determined to take us down the (already discredited) criminal "justice" path trodden by the USA.... You get the picture.

It's with some relief that I offer the "medical" antidote to the chaos around us: Wonkette

I'd never heard of this blog before (no big surprise given how much I pay attention to pop culture or whatever) I consulted Wikipedia to learn more.

I'm reassured to learn that Wonkette, although referred to as "left-leaning", clearly isn't afraid to take shots at idiotic nonsense in all directions on the political landscape. Wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about me from my suggestion, just because I live in Canada...and BC, at that, ...hotbed of left-leaning, socialistic ideas as we all know.

To give appropriate credit, my "discovery" came from "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin", a book I'm currently enjoying. More on that later.

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