Monday, May 04, 2009

Search for Spring in Rossland

Since the snow is rapidly leaving and a gardener's thoughts can finally turn to the new season, I made a quick trip to Rossland to do the tilling in my daughter's garden. She and her hubby and myself got busy Friday evening about a week ago and tilled up most of their back yard. Given our gardening experience around our place, I can report that they didn't have a single rock or stone in the whole place. Completely amazing.

They also have these cute little iris flowers blooming just outside their back door. A number of other floral specimens were also showing their tops above the ground. All they need is a couple of weeks and some warmer weather.

One interesting note: as I was leaving their place Saturday around noon and driving down one of the residential streets in town, I met a young moose galloping up the street with his tongue hanging out, obviously not very happy about where he found himself.

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