Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Into the Pandemic - The Lighter Side

Pandemic Date Line March 24, 2020

Confirmed cases: 417,000   Deaths: 18,600   

Yes, even in the midst of a global virus threat, people have found lots to laugh at.  Of course, none of them are likely sick themselves, just yet, and it is only a few days into the directive to "go home and stay home".  Nevertheless, it shows that people can find something to all laugh about.

Parents are starting to work form home.  We could see an increase in this kind of strategy:

Parents are also starting, gradually, to take on the role of home-schooling instructor.  This reality spawned these:

There have been jokes about social distancing:


There are dozens of jokes about the insane amount of toilet paper that people are buying:

There are comments about how this connects with climate change actions:

With Easter coming up in a couple of weeks, I recently saw this:

The "stiff upper lip" generally attributed to the English has come in for a few comments:

There supposedly a new Lego set out just in time for the pandemic:

And dozens and dozens more.  Obviously too much time on people's hands, but if it makes people laugh in the current climate of concern, that's a good thing.

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