Thursday, August 27, 2009

Garbage Delights

A news item on the radio this morning caught my attention, having to do with where Vancouver and the Lower Mainland was going to put it's garbage.

This story has been around for awhile. It's astonishing enough that garbage would be trucked or whatever to Cache Creek, but the thing that made my ears perk up was the admission by one government official that "BC didn't have the capacity to deal with it's own garbage". So there it is, someone's had the guts to say it our loud. I wonder if this new admission will result in a better way to deal with the outfall of our throwaway society??

Update: There might be something interesting about this topic in McDonough & Braungart's book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things.

1 comment:

Bludshotiiiiis said...

in 1991 our engineering firm (KPA) was hired to study the volume of waste going into the landfills in BC. Recycling facilities were also included. The concept was to reduce waste by 50% by the year 2000.Garbage from Vancouver was being trucked to Cache Creek and on the return trip they would haul wood chips.They had a tipping ramp set up at the landfill to unload the trucks.Have no idea if the reduction of waste is a priority for this Lieberal government. I think they have bigger problems than just a little excessive waste!