Monday, March 23, 2020

Into the Pandemic - The Political Side II

Pandemic Dateline March 22nd, 2020

It's been rather interesting to see the change in rhetoric on Facebook and, I assume, other parts of Social Media.  Here in Canada, even the Trudeau haters have gone fairly quiet.  These are folk who just couldn't abide the present Prime Minister, whether it was his heritage, his youth, his selfies, his socks...regardless, young Justin seems to be doing about as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.  It also helps to see the ineptitude from certain other political leaders.  At least here in Canada our politicians are allowing the medical experts take the lead.

Anti-Vaxxers have even come in for a bit of pointed teasing.  Take this article from The Beaverton.  And cartoons similar to this:

There are quite a few pointed jabs at the Commander-in-Chief south of the 49th, speaking of ineptitude.

Consider this article from Ralph Nader... "Lunging between vitriol and flattery, Trump doesn't know how to get out of the hole he's dug"    "He fibs, flails, fails, scapegoats, and never admits he was wrong or mistaken."

The Atlantic has published a number of articles that take aim at America, Trump and others that it feels have obstructed the kind of rapid response that this crisis needed.  For example, this article: "The Coronavirus Called America's Bluff".  The magazine has also gone so far as to call Trump's presidency over.

There will be more....  

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