Saturday, March 28, 2020

Into the Pandemic - On the Home Front IV

Posted from Isolation Manor on March 28th, 2020

Total cases worldwide: 621,000    Total deaths: 28,600

Various parts of the world are still unraveling - thinking of Italy, the USA, ,Spain....  In some, we can only watch as their leaders make one bad decision after another.  But that's for another post.

Conspiracy theorists are coming out of the woodwork.  They see this as a manufactured opportunity to embed us all with RFD chips and make us all get vaccinated.  They're as loony as the Chemtrails bunch.  My feeling about ALL of them is that they must have an unusual level of confidence in the ability of literally thousands of people to keep secret their nefarious activities.  In an era where it's almost impossible to fart without someone recording it on a phone or having your faux pas posted to the web, it's inconceivable that thousands could be covering up anything so big.  But that's for another post too.  [Note to self - stop with the scroll through Facebook each morning.  Most of what you see is NOT helpful].....

On the home front....

After almost 16 years out of the classroom, I find myself in the position of needing to make some Unit plans and set up lessons for teaching to our grandsons online.  "School" starts Monday.

Our granddaughters in New Jersey have been having regular "school" for a week or more now.  Their schools have been handing out materials to parents and the girls have been spending each morning working on various activities.  We've been "visiting" using Skype and Grandma has been reading stories to them.

Our grandsons have been on March break for the past 2 weeks.  That's coming to an end and lessons start on Monday.

Grandma is planning to start with math skills.  I'm developing a Nature Study unit that I hope will incorporate spelling, research, art, nature, science, reading, writing....all through the medium of Birds.  Plans are in the works.

Yesterday, I got online with one of my neighbours with whom I play music occasionally.  We wanted to see if one of these video chat utilities could be used to have a musical jam session.  Our conclusion was that it's better for chatting.  It was hard to hear each other's instrument properly, and that kind of defeats the purpose of the whole exercise for us.  We're going to wait until we get a sunny day when we will bring our lawn chairs, sit outside somewhere (6 feet apart) and play some music together.

We continue our usual projects.  I work in the shop, keep the van build project going, Catherine is out in the yard starting the spring planting.  It's been too cool for much, but we persevere.

We had a foray out to the village yesterday to resupply the larder.  We went together, only one went into the store, when she came back out, I had a pail of water available for hand washing and we left the bags in the back of the truck.  Once home, we tried a process of bringing them inside that I saw on YouTube a few days ago.  It's loosely based on sterile surgical technique and looks like this:

At this point, it's probably overkill, and there is still some discussion about how concerned we need to be about viruses on packaging and food, but we wanted to try the process out in case it does become necessary.  I've been wandering around with a small spray bottle of bleach solution, just cleaning up various surfaces - light switches, door knobs, handles of other items....

Catherine has an online bridge game scheduled for this afternoon.  They seem to be working out pretty well.

There is more.  Always more.  But it's time to get on with my day and actually accomplish something.

Isolation Manor - Out.

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