Monday, October 26, 2015

Importing Harper's Tactics in BC

The news here in BC over the past week has been all a-twitter over how the Clark government (Liberal in name but Conservative in policy and actions) has been "managing" government e-mails.  The law says that they are supposed to save these things, as part of the record of how governments make decisions.  In some cases, assistants have been "triple deleting" e-mails, all of them, so that NO records remain.

The CBC has this story about "delete, delete, delete".  Accountability?  Not so much.

One government worker is being investigated after the Information Commissioner discovered him lying repeatedly under oath.

The full report Access Denied: Record Retention and Disposal Practices of the Government of BC can be read here.

Obviously getting rid of the Harper Conservatives was only the first step of the process....

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