Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Homeopathy Explained - Part 1

If anti-vaccine nonsense wasn't enough, homeopathy has joined the list of recent "discussions" on social media.

I will readily admit to a severe lack of knowledge about homeopathy, but this image rather sums up how I feel about it from what little I know: 

Oddly enough, the same people who believe there is a conspiracy being perpetuated by Bog Pharma, the medical establishment and the government, to cover-up massive damage done by vaccines seem to be some of the same people who think homeopathy works.

Some recent studies seem to have found otherwise:

One article reported on a large study done by Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council.  Of course it would be biased against homeopathy.  Their report, should you be interested, can be seen here.

The Guardian newspaper reported on the same study.  It's article can be seen here. 

The main conclusion?  Homeopathy is not effective in treating any condition.

A trial is being conducted at the U of T into homeopathy as a treatment for ADHD.  It was reported by CBC's The Current on March 5, 2015.

Science-Based Medicine weighed in some time ago, in an article from August 2012.

And then there is, of course, Quackwatch which dealt with Homeopathy as well.

I see it as all part of the anti-science, anti-vaccine, conspiracy-theorist, pseudoscience "movement" that seems to be all the rage these days.  Perhaps it's just that all these people have a platform now via social media.  More on that later.

[Update] - Science-Based Medicine also reported on the Australian study here.

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