Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kathmandu - Street Cleaning

Some of the mixtures of smells one experiences as you walk the lanes and alleyways comes from piles of rotting garbage.

This morning I walked slowly up JP School Road at 6:30 am.  Shops were closed, only the occasional car passed me, one or two taxi drivers tried to solicit my business and a few women were out sweeping refuse into little piles.  It's not clear that those piles will ever get taken away.

At some piles, apparently refuse from restaurants or guest houses, a few people were digging through the remains, sorting and selecting.  Ubiquitous English sparrows pecked around the edges.

Later in the morning we did a longer loop north and back along the river.  This appears to be where the dump is.  There were several pigs rooting in the piles.  Some pictures have been posted.

It's been wet since we arrived.  These are soggy piles of garbage now.  I can only imagine their condition during a spell of hot weather.

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