Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Political Olympics

The Olympic Torch relay seems to be encountering significant levels of protests. On the one hand, it's disappointing that politics has to pervade everything, including sporting events, but on the other hand, it's naive to think that anything can be separated from current and historical events.

Personally, I'm pleased that the Olympics will be taking place in China this year. China, it's people and leaders, need more exposure to the outside world, not less. Perhaps with more interaction with the rest of the world, China can come to realize that (recent actions of the US government notwithstanding), old ideas of imperialism, empire building and repressive military actions rightfully belong in the past and that the majority of the world's people oppose them.

Anyone more interested in why China's midset seems to be what it is could read an intesting book: Daughter of China.

Let the Olympics continue and let them be in China. Let everyone attend.

Free Tibet.

1 comment:

The Clothesline said...

Glad you're liking another one of my library picks!