Monday, April 07, 2008

Even More "spring" skiing

Oridnarily, I'd be quite ready to avoid more snow and quite happy to get into spring mode, but I got this phone call....

How would I like to spend a week, for free, at the ACC's Fairy Meadows Hut. The only conditions: I had to get ready for a week in the remote mountains in 2 days, and I had to do some serious mold cleanup and hut maintenance. I hummed and hawed for a couple of hours, but finally the offer was too good to turn down. I hustled around getting my food ready - leftovers in the freezer were pressed into service, skis and winter clothing was rounded up "again" and at 5:10 am March 29, I was under way. Four hours got me east of Roger's Pass to the staging area. The helicopter arrived shortly before noon to take us about 20 minutes up Kinbasket Lake into the Adamant Range of the Columbia Mountains.

The week basically fell into a routine: up in the morning, work at scrubbing mold and other tasks for a few hours and then a couple of hours each afternoon making some ski turns on the hills near the Hut. Followed by a nap, supper, lots of reading and off to sleep.

Fairy Meadows is a prime winter skiing destination and this was the first time I'd been in during the winter. Challenging terrain for a novice skiier like me, but fun nonetheless. Pictures from the week can be seen at:

Now - is it time to hang up the skis for the season?

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