Saturday, January 05, 2008

Cut Block Powder

I think I could become a convert to this. Experienced skiiers can start yawning now, but it was exciting for me, so here goes: We needed another day of logging road slogging and since it was warm down by the Lake, we headed up towards the summit on the road to New Denver. The snow on the Murray Creek FSR was unused, so we picked it for the day's exercise. One problem, aside from the VERY deep powder, was the presence of a few VERY deep water bars in the road which hadn't filled in with snow completely, making skiing across a bit of a problem. However, we perservered and made it to the top of the road, about 2 km. We traversed across the top of the highest cut block and prepared for the ride down. The snow was amazingly deep and the fat skis just floated near the surface all the way down. It was perhaps the most gentle skiing I've done because we sort of floated across the tops of the logs and stumps that were buried below all that snow. It was GREAT! And I've never really skiied in snow up to my knees. It was an amazing experience. I need more of this!

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