Thursday, March 02, 2023

The Laws of Natural Selection are Still in Efect


I almost hate to bring this up at a time when around 400 Americans (and about 25 Canadians) are still dying from this virus EACH DAY.  That's an annualized rate of around 150,000 in the USA and about 9500 in Canada.  As an interesting aside, note that Canada's rate is approximately half the rate in the USA, taking into account the sizes of our respective populations.  Note also that, in a normal flu season, approximately 3500 Canadians will die from the effects of that virus.

However, a quick look at a very simple graph comes courtesy of Our World in Data.  If you follow the link and pass your cursor over the lines, you can clearly see that unvaccinated people are dying from this virus at a rate that is approximately 5 to 7 times greater than ANY vaccinated people, whether they've had a bivalent booster or not.  I'm really not sure how that data could be interpreted in any other way.

Natural Selection is still at work, weeding out the weak, the less agile, the less intelligent, the less careful, one at a time.  Ignore Biology at your peril.

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