Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 15 of My Imprisonment

The days pass inexorably along. I spend time each day reading. What I'm reading is reminding me of my "radical" environmental days back in the late 60s and early 70s. Not that it was all that radical.... These days it's more to do with social justice, the ruination of the economy, climate change, of course...

I'm currently making my way through Too Big to Fail by Andrew Sorkin. This 600-page tome recounts the events leading up to and through the financial crisis of 2008-9. The most head-shakingly amazing thing is to realize that so many occupants of the executive suite were in total denial of their companies' true financial state, right up to the hours before they were forced into bankruptcy. And how many were pleading, repeatedly, for help from government (ie: the taxpayer). God, you gotta love capitalism and the free market system!!

We've had snow. This has made walking outside on the wounded foot difficult. I've spent some time trying to create some more appropriate footwear since the "hut bootie" just doesn't work that well in 6 inches of snow. Accordingly I surgically modified a pair of old sneakers that I've been saving (just in case I needed them...). I have to say that they feel great and work pretty well. Since I did the modifications, it's snowed even more so I may still need to wrap it up in a plastic bag and wear my gaiter on that foot.

One positive note - I've experienced no discomfort, an exceptionally unusual occurence pre-surgery. It feels better already.

Six more weeks....

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