Saturday, May 05, 2007

OK - I Give Up

My kids both have blogs, my un-technical partner has a blog, Quirks & Quarks has a blog and so I'm giving up and starting one (this is what my partner calls FOMO). Mostly now for testing out some things, but perhaps I'll eventually get into this. Frankly, I see this as a more modern variation of the somewhat older saying: "If no one wants to listen to you, what makes you think they'll want to read your T-shirt?"

I'm sitting here looking out over Kootenay Lake at rugged peaks on the other side of the lake. Can't beat the view.

Anyhow, I have some rock walls to build and a life to live and it's Saturday afternoon....

1 comment:

The Clothesline said...

Yeah, it's a tough life, I know. Let the sun shine, the trees fall, and the garden grow! XYL