Friday, October 27, 2023

Wingnut in Alberta - Part III

Colour me unsurprised.


Danielle Smith has declared that a renewable-powered electrical grid by 2035 is "fantasy thinking".

The full story appeared here:  Alberta premier tells climate conference renewable powered grid by 2035 "fantasy thinking".

Frankly, the notion that we can keep on with business as usual is fantasy thinking, but we all know that Denielle doesn't believe that climate change is a real issue, just like Danielle doesn't believe that special practices need to be adopted for some viruses, instead believing that "Albertans view viruses differently than other Canadians".  What malarky.

First, even the Feds (remember the Feds?  That level of government that Danielle and her supporters love to hate?) have identified 2050 as their target date for a renewable powered grid.  I'm not sure where Danielle got that 2035 timeline.  Not that significant achievements by 2035 wouldn't be great to see, but that's another discussion.

Second, Danielle has claimed that 2035 is unrealistic "fantasy thinking", but has she even tried just to see what could be accomplished by then?  Last I heard, she shut down most renewable energy projects for 3 years.  How about encouraging rooftop solar?  How about prodding your electric utilities to start working on this "smart grid" that we know will be needed as we move to more decentralized energy sources?  How about encouraging more wind power on some of those foothills ridges that I know Alberta has available, or perhaps on some of those vast stretches of Alberta grasslands?  Has Danielle tried ANY of those?  Not that I'm aware of.  Why would a premier in climate change denial, one who believes the only reason there were so many forest fires last spring in Alberta was because of arsonists, try ANY of those things?

Third, even the International Energy Agency has suggested that peak fossil fuel use could be only a few short years away.  Danielle, of course, dismisses any such suggestions as "fake news".  I'd suggest that her position is a good example of fantasy thinking.  After all....

The International Energy Agency has 31 member countries and works with groups such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the G20 and the United Nations in researching its reports, which make headlines around the world. [quoted from the article linked to above].

Danielle, of course, prefers to "get her information from private-sector analysts."  Yes, I can imagine who those might be.  The same people whispering in her ear about arsonists and discriminated-against anti-vaxxers.

What I see in a 2050 target date is simply the opportunity to kick the can down the road a ways because it allows you plenty of time to avoid facing the problem.  After all, by 2050, Danielle will be 25 years older (I'm approximating - it's not my lack of math skills), she will unlikely be Premier by then so it won't be HER problem.  It will be our kids' problem.  Our grandchildren will have to deal with the fallout of current inaction.  Why the hell should SHE care?

This is what happens when you have a wingnut in the Premier's office.

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