Friday, April 19, 2019

Kenney's Win, Trudeau's Gain?

iPolitics weighed in on this issue the other day

It's a good article, as articles in iPolitics usually are. 

Of course, Jim Prentice had it right when he made that off-hand comment about Albertans "looking in the mirror" to see why the province was in trouble. And Albertans tossed him too. 

The author's comment about it being a long hot summer in BC is correct. If it's another devastating fire season out here and we go through another month or two of choking smoke everywhere, and we see Alberta trashing the carbon tax and (more importantly) any other strategies of dealing with climate change, there are gonna be a LOT more BC residents pretty angry. We have spent the past 2 summers with valuables packed up, ready to evacuate with an hour's notice. This is one of the realities of climate change in this part of Canada. 

Idiots like Scheer, Kenney, Moe and Ford might resonate with the "drill, baby, drill" crowd, but out here we see it as political opportunism and a total disregard for the environment. And if that makes me an environmental extremist, bring it on. I was pretty unhappy with Notley and her full-steam-ahead approach to pipelines and tar sands development, but at least there were baby steps in the form of a carbon tax and closing coal-fired power stations. Now that those are gone, there is NO reason to hold your nose and look the other way while another pipeline is built and more tar sands are developed to ship even more oil out of the country.

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