Friday, August 05, 2016

More Chats with Climate Change Deniers

Yes, it seems I can't resist temptation....

It all started, as most things do these days, with a post on Facebook.  The Fraser Institute (you know, that neoliberal "think tank" funded by right-wing fanatics and the oil industry... that "charitable organization" that the Harper government refused to examine along with others during it's witch-hunt a couple of years ago) recently came out with a paper claiming that "A Carbon Tax is Not a Price" .

I noticed some comments that were taking the usual climate change science denial tack.  So I decided (ie: what better judgement?) to stick in an oar or two.

Almost all the comments posted must come from people who wait expectantly on the edges of their chairs for the latest missive from the Fraser Institute and then jump in to show how much they support whatever regressive notion the Institute is promoting this time.  At least that's what I think is going on.  How else to explain the sheer number and almost complete unanimity of message apparent in their comments.  A selection (I've included names just to prove that I'm not making this stuff up):

Doug Dawdy Please man. Most of what you wrote is bullshit and has been proven as such. Read something other than what enviro fasists put out and promote. Spend some time researching the subject instead of sipping away at the koolaid.

 Ryan Marsh Of course the climate is changing! It's always been changing, and will always be changing. Do you really believe that we're the cause? We have such an insignificant effect, that it's not even worth trying to change. One volcano pumps out more green house gas than our species has in all of history. The solar cycles are more of a contribution to climate change than anything else. Maybe if we tax the sun we can save the climate!

 Danny Cameron anyone that supports this is a fool.they aren't doing anything to reduce pollution or to clean up the mess that is all over the world.if you want to change things how about taking the profits from oil companies and invest it into our country to make things better instead of taking more from the people who doesn't have enough to survive now.
Of note here is the complete lack of anything to back up their claims.  Of course, this is the usual tactic - spew vitriol and attacks but avoid facts.... probably because there aren't any.

For instance, the comment about volcanoes and solar cycles.  First, the sun's activity has been decreasing so we're actually getting less heat from the sun and, second, volcanoes are an insignificant contributor to climate change.  In fact, most volcanoes will temporarily cool the climate.  For a reference, there is this. 

 In fact, every single argument trotted out is old, tired and answered, in many cases, years ago.  You can see them all here, posed and answered.

You might well ask.... Why bother?  These people can't be convinced.  They have no evidence.  Evidence doesn't matter to them.  So why bother?

I have a simple, two-word answer:  For Fun.


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