Car camping does impose some limitations, but it is possible to eat well here.
First, thanks to Gerald for the loan of an alcohol-fueled stove. It's allowed us some options not otherwise possible.
Breakfasts have generally granola (what is called muslei here), with sliced strawberries or banana, coveted with yogurt.
One note.. We have seldom been able to find large (ie: greater than 500g) of yogurt, and flavoured yogurt is almost nonexistent, except in very small, over packaged, containers. Odd, to us.
Salads with various grilled, cold chicken have been possible.
Lunches have been mostly bread, cheese, wine or beer, olives, biscotti... Probably not conducive to weight loss. Oh well. When on France...
Our most recent supper was just pasta and bottled sauce. But it was GOOD bottled sauce. I added some sliced green olives and olive oil and chunks of cheese to mine. And red wine, of course.
Speaking of which.... Our vintage of choice has been "vin du pays" at about 1.75 euros per litre. It comes in 1.5 litre bottles with a screw cap.
Milk is odd. Mostly in 1 litre bottles, unrefrigerated, so probably preserved in some way... Also uncommon is skim milk. I think what we're getting is semi-skimmed, so I think it's about 2% but I can't tell.
The culinary experience continues.
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