Health care - Negotiate with the provinces for a suitable funding formula in the short term and engage in a discussion/study to find ways to make the system more efficient and even more effective. That could include contracting out certain services (diagnostic, whatever) since that's already being done, where it can be done more cheaply and/or faster/or better.
International Affairs - re-engage with the UN (especially) to attempt to repair our international image with peacekeeping, negotiating, humanitarian aid, etc.
Canada's Military - procurement has been a disaster (helicopters, fighter jets, naval supply ships, polar ice-breakers), veterans have been mistreated and our military's role is muddled. First we have to decide, as a country, what role we want for our country. This should NOT be decided by the whims of whatever party is in power, but should start by being a national debate on our role. Then the military needs to be equipped properly to carry out that role, whatever that ends up being. Procurement should be open to full competitive bidding. The full costs of this must be clear and transparent so taxpayers can decide what is reasonable and affordable. Veterans (especially disabled veterans) must be given decent pensions and proper medical care during and after their service. If this seems too expensive, then perhaps we need to re-think the role of our military.
Re-join the UN Convention to Combat Desertification - Canada left that awhile ago making it one of the only countries in the world to not have a presence.
Climate Change - start a serious discussion about how to tackle climate change. This could include a carbon tax, or a fee and dividend system, increased efficiencies research and implementation, reducing carbon emissions (carbon capture and storage, alternative sources of energy... whatever might work) and working with other countries to deal with the problem.
Bill C-51 - there are provisions that might make sense, but it badly needs parliamentary oversight and needs to be reviewed every few years (3? 5?) to see if it is accomplishing what it was intended to do. Sharing between certain specified security agencies could be helpful but making criminals out of people who disagree with the government has no place in a democracy. If you need proof of where the Conservatives are going with this, just look at their language: "enemies list", "extremists", "terrorists" and so on.
Repeal the "Fair Elections Act" in its entirety.
Engage in a discussion and legislation to improve democracy in Canada. This could (should?) include some form of Proportional Representation, increased powers of investigation by Elections Canada into electoral fraud, changes to how elections are funded and disclosure of WHO funds elections and political parties.
National Science Policy - we need one, although what we really need to start is to have a National Science Advisor (that position was canceled a few years ago) to Parliament, allow all research results from federally funded scientific research be made fully available and allow scientists to discuss their findings publicly.
First Nations - living conditions on reserves are appalling, even though much money is being spent (and wasted). Access to safe drinking water, land claims negotiations, decent housing, use of reserve land, band leadership (including training - it's abysmal right now). Paul Martin could be appointed as a special advisor because of his expertise in this area. This needs to be sorted. We have 3rd world conditions on most reserves and we simply can't allow it to continue. There are probably many solutions to what's wrong. Every possible avenue should be explored.
Energy Policy - keeping in mind the carbon emission issue, the Feds need to work with provinces to rationalize O&G production, hydro development, nuclear power generation, alternative energy capacity.
Parliamentary Reform - Parliament is currently dysfunctional and the Senate is a corrupt mess, in the eyes of most Canadians. Since getting rid of the Senate is likely impossible, the way members are appointed must and can change. Appoint Canadians who have demonstrated leadership in community work, industry, science, technology.... for a fixed term (maybe 5 years?) and have the appointments made by an independent committee much the way judges are selected. The power of the PMO must be curtailed. Restore the effectiveness and oversight of Parliamentary Committees. Daily Question Period MUST be reformed so that it is informative and effective, not a 3-ring circus. The decorum of members is appalling and needs to be cleaned up.
Manufacturing Policy - we need to develop jobs here in Canada. Trade deals should probably not be entered into if they will transfer jobs out of the country. No trade deal should be entered into that will prevent Canada or any level of government from passing whatever rules they deem necessary to protect the environment, health care or education. Restrictive trade barriers could be considered where appropriate to protect Canadian jobs. Canada also needs to become more than an exporter of resources.
Tax Reform - there are far too many "boutique" tax credits. The whole system needs to be streamlined, simplified and made more fair. Our poverty rate is one of the highest in the OECD. It is ludicrous to assess income taxes on people with very low incomes. Corporate income taxes could be increased but remain competitive with our trading partners. The GST as a consumption tax is regressive and probably does not need to be increased, but that could be an option, depending on the outcome of discussions over our military, health care, etc. Special tax incentives for the rich are not needed. They don't need that kind of subsidy by all taxpayers. All churches need to be taxed - no exemptions - maybe give them a credit for humanitarian work the same as individuals are given a tax credit for donating to charities. A massive crackdown on tax evasion and offshore tax havens is needed. Re-hire the special accountants that were let go a few years ago so this program can get serious. Stop harassing small charities just because they don't happen to disagree with government policy. In fact, if they disagree with government policy, perhaps government policy needs to be changed. Charitable organizations do a great deal of the heavy lifting in Canada when it comes to work on the ground in communities. To attack them is further tearing at the fabric of our country and it needs to stop.
Long Form Census - needs to be reinstated immediately. Canada needs this information and it is used by governments, industry and academia.
Criminal Law & Corrections- get rid of mandatory minimum sentences. Decriminalize and possibly legalize marijuana, regulate it and tax the sale of it. Re-introduce rehabilitative programs in our prisons (prison farms, education, etc).
Education - explore ways to make university education less expensive. Free tuition exists in quite a few countries. Is it possible here? Or should loans be made interest-free? As a technological society we need to value advanced education and society as a whole must contribute in some reasonable way to encourage this.
So, there it is. It likely contains elements from the Liberals, the NDP and the Greens. However, to be absolutely clear, that's NOT how I'm voting this time. There isn't a single policy of the Conservatives that I'm aware of that I can agree with. But please, if you can think of any, point them out. They also have a 10-year record to examine and I am disgusted with or am abhorred by almost all of it. So I'm voting AGAINST the Conservatives by voting for whatever candidate seems to have the best chance of beating the Conservative candidate. Once we have Proportional Representation in the HoC, I will consider voting for party platforms and currently the Greens attract my interest the most, but that might change.
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