Thursday, August 09, 2012

Lies, Dammed Lies and Politics

One of my occasional blog reads, Wonkette, was recently "reporting" on some mud-slinging between Mittens and Newt about lies.  Apparently, Newt believes that lies are to be expected as part of political discourse.  Nothin' new there, but the comments, once again trump the article.  A few samples:

It's not a lie if you believe it
Mitt Romney doesn't lie. It's just a problem with the coding of his truthalgorithm.exe file....
It's not lying if it helps you, right?
Lies are people, too, my friends.
"Restore Our Future?" Time travel notwithstanding, I'm not sure they thought that one through.
“Somebody who will lie to you to be president will lie to you as president.”   The projection is strong with this one.
Half the country only wants to hear lies. Unfortunately mitt is their man.
"If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth"   Motto of the Republican Party
The only truth Romney knows is the feeling he has after having a big bowl of his favorite cereal, Loopholes. It's chock full of fiber, because we all know that Romney is not a regular guy.
It's not a lie if the idiot base believes it and no one in major media markets calls you on it. 
Or if you just repeat it enough....    Hands over ears, "La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, I can't hear you".

And the sideshow continues....

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