Friday, February 17, 2012

Snoop & Spy Bill - Two Days On

The Harper Conservatives' Bill C-30 has certainly stirred up a hornet's nest, to an extent that even our Dear Leader probably didn't expect. Certainly not from a nation of peaceable, normally-gullible folk. But even some Conservative backbenchers are stepping out of line.

Quite frankly, this bill introduces the thin edge of the wedge. It's good to see that so many Canadians aren't prepared to take this bending over.

Since the "official opposition" parties aren't doing much to oppose (maybe out of fear of being called hypocrites), it's good to see that the National Broadcaster is laying out some of the facts for the Comrades. Now you do realize this is exactly why the Harper Conservatives so hate the CBC and want to demolish it.

Please - read on:

Online surveillance bill opens door for Big Brother - Politics - CBC News

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