Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 46 of My Imprisonment

Little change since my last missive. The affected joint continues to improve. I can wiggle other toes but definitely feel a solid resistance in that one fused joint. It feels fine, better than the other foot which will probably get the "treatment" next fall.

The bandages remain in place although they are starting to show signs of wear, despite the old sock that I keep on that foot most of the time.

I've been able to continue occasional biking because we still don't have any snow here at Lake level. This is fortunate, because otherwise I would be more or less housebound. I have found walking easier and am trying to get away from the limp used to keep weight off the front part of that foot. This means I walk slower than normal, more of a stroll, really. I'm not complaining.

Only 18 more days.

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