Sunday, March 27, 2011

Harper Inaction NOT Worthy of a Majority

I find all sorts of interesting stories in the old papers that I paw through while lighting the fire each morning. One this morning caught my attention. It came from early December 2010 called "Tories say they will change number of Parliament seats".

This would increase the number of ridings in Alberta, BC and Ontario, because, with their rapidly growing population, these provinces are disproportionately under-represented in the House of Commons. I was whining about this way back in 2008 after the results of the last election.

So why was this story interesting at this late date? Because the bill was never called for debate by the CONservatives and we go into Election 2011 with the same dis-proportional representation that we've had for years.

Oh, I get it. The bill was introduced on April 1st, 2010.

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