Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day - Above the Clouds

After watching the new US President take over, a small group of us took the skidoos up Bjerkness Creek FSR to a logging cut block that we can actually see from our house. I'd been thinking about it as a potential skiing area for awhile now. Today we tried it out. Actually, several acquaintances had been up there over the weekend and really liked it. So, up we went. About 30 minutes up the trail brought us to the bottom of the cut block. Skins went on and up we went to the top of the slope.

The snow was great and the views were fantastic as we were finally above the fog that has settled in the valley bottoms for the past several weeks.

There was time for lunch in the sun and several runs down different parts of ths slope before we headed back home.

Better than an inaugural ball ;-)

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