Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Orwellian Logic - Alive and Well in Canada

Although there are a large number of tired old arguments that are trotted out denying human-caused climate change and insisting that there's nothing we can do about it, empirical evidence clearly shows otherwise.

For more information about such denial claims, there is this: Denial Claims.

With the silliness between Alberta and BC over the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion, the issue of climate change mostly remains in the background.  Terms like "national interest" and "jobs" dominate the headlines, but the impacts of more tar sands expansion on our changing climate are avoided.  

In fact, the current Liberal Government's decision to give the Kinder Morgan project the green light is in direct opposition to what we need to be doing to deal with Climate Change.

One author who has been involved in this issue for many years has called this Orwellian Logic.

Trudeau's Orwellian Logic: We Reduce Emissions by Increasing Them

There are very few economic arguments that make such an expansion a good idea.  This article examines the main arguments.

In another article that appeared in The Tyee recently: Only Fantasies, Desperation and Wishful Thinking Keep Pipeline Plans Alive.

Just as one example of what often happens when the oil industry is finished with their pillage is described in this story.  You'd think Alberta would want to clean up its own mess before passing the potential of even more on to other provinces.

Here in BC, we don't want another pipeline and more tanker traffic.  It's not needed, it's not in the national interest and only makes our current problems worse.

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