Saturday, August 08, 2015

Preparing for an Election

Any who know me will also know how anti-Harper I have become over the past few years.  Just to be absolutely clear, let me say that I think Stephen Harper and his government has been a disaster for Canada and some of it's important institutions.  There is practically nothing that I can think of that this government has done that I agree with.

There is a very long list which will become topics of more posts, but for now, let's talk about books.  This will be a long election campaign, so there is lots of time for voters to inform themselves.  I can suggest two books:

There is no doubt that both of these authors dislike Harper and his government and as you read, you'll see why.

[Update] - I'm nearly finished a third book: "Dismantling Canada" by Brooke Jeffrey.  It's a pretty comprehensive analysis of what the Harper Conservatives have done to Canada over a whole range of topics.  Well worth reading.

A good review of this book can be read here.

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