Sunday, October 17, 2010

We're From the Government....

Let me get this straight: The Harper Conservatives feel driven to scrap the mandatory long-form census because they received complaints from: a) over 1000 people a day, or b) at least a few people in total, or... c) some other reason entirely. They feel compelled to protect us from fines and jail time because we might object to confiding information like how many bathrooms are in our house?

Give me a break.

This Harper (minority) Government scrapped Income Trusts in the mistaken belief that millions of tax dollars were leaking away and they have sidestepped climate change action, to name just two issues they've been on the wrong side of. They've followed a specific course of action despite often massive protests and opposition, and, in many cases, the facts.

They're not scrapping the long-form census because a few people have their shorts in knots over the questions. Rather, it's just another example of how this government is entirely driven by (mean-spirited, short-sighted, conservative) ideology and nothing else.

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