Monday, January 04, 2010

Transparency in Government you say?

Most reasonable people will know that nothing gets solved without a full and frank discussion of various points of view. So how do we take the Harper Conservative's cancellation of Parliament until sometime in March? Jay Hill, the Government house leader, tells the Nation that they need the time to "recalibrate". Huh?

This is simply an abuse of power so the nation's elected representatives can't be held accountable, can't discuss important issues like Afghanistan, the economy......the list is nearly endless.

It's time for concerned Canadians to demand better of this government.

And while I'm standing on my soapbox, it's worthwhile to note a disturbing trend. If a person doesn't agree with something like, say, Canada's involvement in Afghanistan, there is a risk of being labeled as unpatriotic and unsupportive of our troops. Seems to me this is a slice of the kind of nonsensical polarization that's been going between our neighbours to the south. Is this because the more vocal partisans can't handle a civilized discussion and the recognition that not everyone will share their points of view?

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