Sunday, August 10, 2008

Asulkan Pass - Another Week in the "Hills"

I just returned from a week working at an ACC camp at Roger's Pass. This was the "55+ Trekking Camp", this year running out of the Asulkan Hut, near Asulkan Pass, over a km higher than Roger's Pass in the mountains to the south.

This was supposed to be a "Trekking" camp, but for future reference, there is zero "trekking" from this Hut - it's either glacier travel and climbing peaks or nothing, other than the trail back down (that's "way" down) the moraine.

This camp is generally thought to be more "laid-back" than some of the other camps, but we regularly had super weather, 10 to 14 hour days and many, many meters of elevation gain and loss each day. The weather was so good we had difficulty using one up for a "rest day", so by the end of the week we were all getting pretty tired.

The area around the Asulkan Hut is probably best suited to winter skiing - the terrain here would be absolutely fantastic for that activity. There are peaks to climb in the near vicinity, but for a moderately-paced group, there isn't all that much to do. We did, however, climb nearly everything there was available to climb in the area, trudged over vast acres of glacier, visited Asulkan and Sapphire Cols, and generally got a good visit with the area.

Yes, I have pictures, and they live at:

So now I'm tired and enjoying, finally, a rest day here at home.

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