Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Ideology at the Root of All Our Problems?

Journalist and author George Monbiot's article on Neoliberalism appeared in the Guardian earlier in April.  

It's been a few years since Ronnie and Maggie started inflicting their neoliberal views on the world, but their legacy lives on.

At a time when rapidly growing inequality is becoming a political football and when "trade deals" like the TPP with its "Investor-State Dispute Settlement" rules that look poised to remove the right of nations to make their own decisions, it's an article that is worth reading.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

How to Define a Democracy (Just Not in Canada)

Andrew Coyne was speaking at the Broadbent Institute recently, in support of replacing our antiquated First Past the Post electoral system.

In 5 minutes, he described what several characteristics of a democracy and then proceeded to demonstrate why those democratic principles aren't happening in Canada.

Watch the video.

Learn about the alternatives.  A brief summary can be found here.

Let your MP know that we need change and that you expect him or her to support that change.